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KADLEC Associates Corrosion Engineers

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KADLEC Associates, Inc.
KACE Experience

Kadlec Associates, Inc. has over 30 years experience in evaluating the effectiveness and condition of cathodic protection and in designing and installing cathodic protection for pipeline systems and other facilities (since 1974).

Architects & Engineers
KACE (Kadlec Associates Corrosion Engineers) can provide corrosion and cathodic protection engineering services as your subcontractor. We have extensive experience with commercial, institutional and government facilities. Our projects include designs of cathodic protection, corrosion surveys, coating inspections, failure investigations and cathodic protection maintenance for pipelines, buried and on ground fuel tanks, sewage facilities, power generating facilities, elevated and on ground water storage tanks, steam and high temperature hot water lines, chilled water lines, sewage lift stations, hydraulic elevator and hoist cylinders, dock and pier structures, electric and communication cables, steel and reinforced concrete piles, floating structures, dry dock gates and other facilities.

Underground Storage Tanks (UST's)
For compliance with EPA regulations, Kadlec Associates, Inc. provides corrosion and cathodic protection engineering, design, survey, operation/maintenance, repair and installation services for buried fuel tanks and piping. We have extensive experience with both existing and new facilities and we have provided fuel tank and piping corrosion surveys, designs of cathodic protection, maintenance and installation services for over 600 tanks.

Underground Pipeline Systems
For compliance with DOT and State regulations, Kadlec Associates, Inc. provides corrosion and cathodic protection engineering, design, survey, operation/maintenance, repair and installation services for underground pipelines and associated storage. We have extensive experience with both existing and new facilities and have provided corrosion and cathodic protection surveys, cathodic protection designs, maintenance and installation services for over 50,000 miles of pipelines.

Above Ground Storage Tanks (AST's)
For compliance with DOT and State regulations, Kadlec Associates, Inc. provides corrosion and cathodic protection engineering, design, survey, operation/maintenance, repair and installation services for above ground fuel tanks and associated piping. We have extensive experience with both existing and new facilities and have provided above ground fuel tank corrosion/cathodic protection surveys and cathodic protection designs, maintenance and installation services for over 800 tanks.

Military Bases
Kadlec Associates has provided over 150 corrosion/cathodic protection surveys and designs of cathodic protection for more than 60 Military and other Department of Defense Activities in North America, South America, Caribbean, Europe, Africa and Pacific Ocean areas. The types of facilities evaluated and designed include POL storage and distribution, natural gas pipelines, steam/hot water/chilled water systems, potable water storage and distribution, dock and pier piles, floating structures, and other utilities.

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KADLEC Associates Corrosion Engineers
 PO Box 1248, Traverse City MI 49685
 [p] 231-941-4950 [f] 231-941-1972 [e] info1@kadlec.net
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PO Box 1248, Traverse City MI 49685
[p] 231-941-4950 [f] 231-941-1972